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How to Install Fusion on Kodi

how to install fusion on kodi

On its own, Kodi can become your ultimate home entertainment center. You only need to transfer your locally stored media to this application, and the fun can begin. However, there’s an entirely different side to this application that has the potential to replace any popular streaming service.

You probably already know that we’re talking about third-party Kodi add-ons. Thanks to hard-working developers and tech enthusiasts from around the world, Kodi’s capabilities are being expanded on a daily basis.

This is precisely why Kodi has millions of fans around the world. With thousands of add-ons being available online, you can find just about any kind of content to stream via Kodi.

However, it’s essential to know that not every Kodi add-on is the same. The most popular ones unlock vast repositories of other add-ons, allowing you to install a bunch of those at once. And you’re in luck because we are going to teach you about the Fusion add-on for Kodi.

How to install the Fusion add-on for Kodi?

This our detailed step-by-step Fusion for Kodi installation guide. We have also included helpful screenshots that you can check out if you get lost along the way. The Fusion on Kodi installation process is a bit trickier than some, bet with this guide you’ll be using the Fusion add-on in just a few minutes. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in:

To install Fusion on Kodi, first launch Kodi and stay on the Kodi home screen. Open Settings cogwheel option on the top-left.

Step 1 - kodi settings

Next, open the File Manager option.

Step 2 - kodi file manager

Now, click Add source in the next window.

Step 3 - add source

Click <None> on the Add file source dialogue box that shows up.

Step 4 - Click none

Type in http://fusion.tvaddons.co. Make sure you type in the address correctly or you will not be able to add the source to your Fusion repo collection. Click OK once you’re done.

Step 5 - type fusion url

Now, in the Enter a name for this media source window, type in the name you want to give this source. We’re all about consistency, so we’ll just name it “Fusion”. Click OK after you enter the source name.

Step 6 - enter source name

You have successfully added the installation package for Fusion on Kodi. But we’re not there just yet. First, we’ll have to see how to access the source to install the Fusion repositories and add-ons. Head back to the Kodi home screen and click Add-ons on the left panel. Once there, click the open-box icon in the top left corner of your screen.

Step 7 - click the open-box icon

In the window that appears, click Install from zip file. Now you should be able to see a list of possible Kodi sources. Click the name you’ve given to the source file previously (we named it “Fusion”).

Step 8 - Install from zip file

Now, you’ll see a list with three options. These are Fusion add-ons and repositories. Before installing streaming repositories for Fusion on Kodi, you’ll have to get the Indigo add-on first. To do that, select the “begin-here” folder of out the three options.

Step 9 - select the “begin-here” folder

You should now see a file named plugin.program.indigo-4.0.x.zip. Simply click this file.

Step 10 - select plugin zip

Now, wait for the ‘Indigo Add-on installed’ notification that should briefly appear on the top-right of your screen.

Next, you’ll have to do a little bit of backtracking. Head back to the Kodi home screen, open Add-ons, and click the open box icon on in the top-left corner. Now, click Install from zip file.

step 11 - click Install from zip file

Once again, select the Fusion source that you named earlier. The same three options will appear next. But this time, click the kodi-repos folder.

Step 12 - select from kodi-repos

This is the place where you’ll find all the Fusion repositories on Kodi. The kodi-repos folder is further divided into three categories. Choose one, click the zip file of the repository you want to install, and Fusion will install it on Kodi for you.

Step 13 - click the zip file

And that’s it! Now you can easily stream all your favorite TV shows and movies with Fusion on Kodi. Don‘t forget the popcorn!

Fusion for Kodi: an in-depth look

Fusion is a somewhat different kind of add-on for Kodi. Unlike the usual options, Fusion doesn’t let you stream any content on its own. However, it allows you to install hugely popular and highly active repositories that contain thousands of other add-ons for your Kodi app.

You can think of Fusion as a library of add-ons. Once you install this repository on Kodi, you’ll be able to visit it at any moment. In other words, you’ll get to use it to install third-party add-ons that can stream media, add new options to Kodi, and enhance its existing capabilities.

After you’ve installed Fusion on Kodi, we’d like to provide a bit of insight into what to expect from this addon. So, let’s talk about the types of add-ons you can find here, what kinds of content they bring and more.

And here’s one more useful bit of info. Fusion has been created by a group of Kodi developers that go by the name of TVAddons. They’ve been active for several years now, despite severe legal problems that we’ve been experiencing recently. However, we’re sure that the Fusion add-on for Kodi is going to be available for a long time to come.

What can you do with Fusion for Kodi?

Once you install Fusion on Kodi, you will get access to this repository within the application itself. When you access the add-on, you will see three folders. So, we think it’s a good idea to go over these folders and explain what they can do.

  • Begin Here: The first folder is called ‘Begin Here,’ and it brings a single ZIP file. This is an essential maintenance add-on for Kodi, named Indigo. It provides different ways to keep your Kodi in check, create backups, and remove junk files.
  • Kodi Repos: Now, here’s something exciting. In this folder, you will find three sub-folders with dozens of repositories (that host hundreds of individual add-ons). These are ZIP files that you install by clicking on them, and Kodi will take over the rest of the process.
  • Kodi Scripts: Finally, this folder comes with necessary dependencies for Kodi. These are used to power the majority of third-party add-ons. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to install all of the files found here to make sure other add-ons work correctly.

Any there any alternatives to Fusion?

We’re going to be completely honest with you here – you won’t find a single worthy alternative to the Fusion add-on for Kodi. This is a unique repository, which a result of a years-long effort by TVAddons. As you can see, this is also the main reason for its vast popularity.

As we’ve told you earlier, Fusion grants you access to the very best Kodi maintenance add-on out there – called Indigo. Once again, you won’t find a valid alternative to Indigo, and we strongly recommend you install and check out this add-on as well.

Is Fusion blocked in any countries?

In general, Fusion should be available globally. This Kodi repository isn’t targeted by ISPs since it’s not a traditional add-on. However, the add-ons that you install via Fusion might be blocked across the world.

You should keep in mind that many of the add-ons found within Fusion might serve copyrighted content. If you ISP catches you streaming that content, you might get in trouble.

To alleviate any concerns regarding the use of Kodi and unofficial add-ons, we strongly recommend you to use a VPN application. We explain what VPNs are and why you should use them below.

Why you should use a VPN

Perhaps a better question here would be – why shouldn’t you use a VPN? These applications have become the best way to protect your personal data online. And as such, they have become a powerful ally to any Kodi user out there.

VPNs come with numerous benefits, and we’re going to explain some of the most prominent ones. So, here’s what VPNs can do:

  • They can keep you anonymous on the Web. By encrypting your Web traffic, VPNs hide what you do online and what kinds of movies you stream. In other words, your Kodi-related activities will be fully protected.
  • VPNs can unblock content. Unofficial Kodi add-ons scrape the Web for streaming links, and there’s no way of knowing if those links are blocked in your country. So, VPNs let you take full advantage of any Kodi add-on.
  • They can prevent malware infection. The same could be said about hacking attempts since VPNs increase the security of any Web connection.

The bottom line is this – you can make sure you’re genuinely anonymous online for just a few dollars a month. And this doesn’t only apply to Kodi – a VPN protects all your incoming and outgoing Web traffic.

With this said, we hope that know you know how to install Fusion on Kodi. In addition, you also know how to keep yourself protected online. So, enjoy and have lots of fun!

Check out our list of Best VPNs for Kodi will protect your privacy and security while streaming.


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  1. aagarop
    aagarop May 27, 2019 at 2AM

    Hello Nadin,

  2. SweetMercy789
    SweetMercy789 February 24, 2019 at 6PM

    I am one of the fans of Kodi, in fact it is my best home entertainment center. I also love fusion for kodi, Installing fusion for Kodi took me some time but at the end I am glad I did. Quiet tricky but worth it.

  3. Sathesh Bahthia
    Sathesh Bahthia February 1, 2019 at 11AM

    I was looking for ways to install add ons to Kodi and landed here. Any precautions we can take so that we don’t land into troubles streaming copyrighted materials?

  4. William Hunt
    William Hunt January 29, 2019 at 11AM

    While trying to install fusion on Kodi, I discovered it was quite tricky. However, fusion allows users to install hugely popular and highly active repositories that contain thousands of other add-ons for their Kodi app, and that is why I love it so much.

Thanks for your opinion!